Welcome to Triathlon Quarterly, or TQ as we like to call it.
Tri NZ’s new publication is a celebration of all things Kiwi triathlon, the long and short of it, delivered digitally and FREE to all.
If you can’t wait to dive in, head over to here.
While TQ is mobile-friendly, we do recommend a tablet or desktop for the most immersive experience of our launch issue which comes with the thud factor of 130 pages, all wrapped up in a tree-saving digital package.
So, what is TQ all about? Put simply, it’s a love letter to you, our valued community. From the Olympic Games to the Weet-Bix TRYathlon Kids Series and every epic weekend warrior dream in between, we trust you’ll find plenty to fuel your passion.

TQ is part of a wider strategy to elevate the reportage of our sport to new levels. To achieve that, we need your help.
If you like what so see in TQ, please give us a shout on social @triathlonnz #TQGram. Please also share with your tri and endurance sport contacts around the globe – TQ is FREE for all. Be sure to let our awesome advertisers and sponsors know you’ve seen them in TQ too. If you can, please support them with a little of your precious tri spend. That way, they’ll continue to support us and we can in turn crack on and make more content for you. Ultimately, everyone wins.
TQ is a cornerstone of a new comms strategy slowly taking shape at Tri NZ. With your support, we can grow and bring you even more TQ goodness to fuel your passion.
Enjoy the read.
Get TQ today here!