An event near you...

Tri NZ has endorsed the following Secondary Schools events that happen around the Country, from the North to the deep South. These events are great for those who want to give Triathlon a go, develop their Triathlon skills, or even be crowned a Regional Champion.  All endorsed regional school events are listed below and also on our events calendar.  Entries usually open term 4 for these events, but click the links for more information.  For even more Triathlon check out your local Triathlon Club as many of them have youth based events and training programmes on offer.


Already a keen Triathlete? The National Tri NZ Suzuki NZ Schools event happens every year during Summer tournament week. Find out more here and share the link with your Sport Coordinator at school to enter!

North Island

South Island

Triathlon at your school...

The Tri NZ Secondary Schools Programme (SSP) aims to support positive Triathlon-related experiences for secondary school students that focus on inclusion, co-operation, and fun.  This resource has been designed to provide both structure and flexibility to easily incorporate activities into classroom and outdoor learning to best suit your school context.  The Tri NZ Secondary School Programme can be utilised to achieve the standards of the following NCEA subjects: Physical Education, Core Skills and Digital Technologies (eSport).

Our Team

We are a passionate team who are here to support your triathlon journey, contact us directly with questions, queries or how to get involved.

Chris Willett

Development Manager

Hannah Gentle

Regional Lead - Canterbury

Sierra Ryland

Regional Lead - Wellington

Tamara Reed

Women and Girls Lead