A triathlon couple who live and breathe the sport, Raelene and Dean are profiled below ahead of their respective races at the 2024 World Triathlon Championships.


  • When did you first start competing in triathlons?

Back in the 90’s competing in fay Richwhite Corp triathlons, and made the cover photo of one years “Race Manual”…I’ve still got it

  • What’s one highlight of your triathlon journey so far that stands out to you?

In 2019 I learnt what “recovery” means…it only happened after doing back-to-back individual Coast to Coast followed up a week later by Challenge Wanaka….seemed like a good idea at the time….

  • What’s your ‘day job’ of triathlon, and how do you balance it with your training and racing goals?

We run our own accounting practice, so do get flexibility for training and races, and plan our days/week accordingly…best thing about having to work with the IRD is there is no guesswork with deadlines….

  • What do you consider the best thing about representing the TRI NZ Age-Group Team?

Positive aging…what a cool way to be excited about getting older!  Also the kit that you can get…must be earnt first…not everyone gets a representatives top with a silver fern on it!

How did you feel when you got told you were going to represent TRI NZ Age-Group team?
Unbelievably excited, never ever thought I would get to wear the silver fern, very proud moment

What is your favourite race that you’ve competed in?

Hawaii Ironman 70.3 can’t wait to go back…was great as whole family competed

Do you have any specific goals for the future?
Be alive at 100!  Hopefully I’ll have a sponsor by then….

What’s your top tip for those who are new to Age-Group triathlon?
Embrace it, keep fit and healthy, train in all conditions as races go on rain or shine

Can you share a funny or memorable moment from one of your races?
Hamburg 2023…losing at least 10 minutes in transition looking for my bike rack spot and run shoes….was easy coming out the swim, but coming back off the bike was a whole another story….

Is there anyone who has inspired you to pursue triathlon? Are there athletes you admire and think, “Wow, you’re amazing”?
I just do it for myself, though it is cool competing together with my husband Dean…I admire anyone older than us doing it, in their 70’s & 80’s, that’s total amazing and I want that too!

Can you share a piece of wisdom that you’ve gained from your triathlon journey?

Always need double the money lol…if he’s getting a new bike, so am I!  Seriously, in the last 12 months weight training and nutrition advice has been invaluable

Also, if you get injured or sick, take the time to recover properly, you will come back stronger

Most couples go to a nice restaurant for a celebratory event – we did the Routeburn Classic 32km race for our 60th birthdays, had the bright idea to run 60km before I turned 60, so that was the Kepler, and are competing in Spain World Ag for our 30th wedding anniversary!  Can’t think of anything better


When did you first start competing in triathlons?

Back in the 90’s competing in fay Richwhite Corp and Christmas Cracker triathlons at Scarborough

What’s one highlight of your triathlon journey so far that stands out to you?

Not sure if it’s a highlight, but realising it’s pointless trying to reason with Raelene when she has a ‘good idea’…see her note on her recovery “education”

 What’s your ‘day job’ of triathlon, and how do you balance it with your training and racing goals?

Balance, ha!….I’m aware of the concept but I live with Raelene….against my better judgement I facilitate the madness….

What do you consider the best thing about representing the TRI NZ Age-Group Team?

Wearing the silver fern, and when someone yells ‘go kiwi!”

How did you feel when you got told you were going to represent TRI NZ Age-Group team?
Slightly surreal…oops, I’m in…what have I got myself into….

What is your favourite race that you’ve competed in?

Many favourites…most recent Hawaii Ironman 70.3, locally Sea 2 Sky is fabulous…thanks Canty Tri, love your work!

Do you have any specific goals for the future?
To be able to keep fit and healthy enough to keep doing it

What’s your top tip for those who are new to Age-Group triathlon?
As social as it is, triathlon is an individual sport, we all have different strengths and weaknesses, so don’t compare your performance to someone else’s – you don’t know their story, like they don’t know yours…if you give it everything that’s all you can do…smashed it bro!

Being an age-grouper, have been accused of being “just a gong collector” by a parent supporter my own age, who doesn’t compete and who has probably never laced up trainers…to all those people GFY, I’m out there doing it…for me!

Can you share a funny or memorable moment from one of your races?
Did a run in a game park in South Africa….had seen all the big animals, but not the Cheetahs…..until two of them casually wandered across the course in front of us on the way to the start….thought hmmm, that’s interesting….

In Lausanne at the Worlds doing a recce of the bike course with Raelene – had done the research, downloaded the gps course from the website and had a vague mental picture where to go….I wasn’t competing so was on a rental Pee Wee Herman e-bike….came up to an intersection behind the British Team Management (it said so on their jackets!) with all their kit and handheld GPS devices…overheard as we passed them – let’s follow them, they seem to know where they are going….ended up looking like the pied piper with a trail of bikes behind us, I just hoped I did know where I was going…..lol…..

Is there anyone who has inspired you to pursue triathlon? Are there athletes you admire and think, “Wow, you’re amazing”?
Yep, Raelene….she never knows when enough is enough…and she’s tough…broke her ankle on a trail run coming out of first lockdown, fell off her bike and broke her pelvis coming out of another….single-minded rehab and recovery…..and here we go again!

Can you share a piece of wisdom that you’ve gained from your triathlon journey?

You have no idea what you are capable of – get out and do it, just keep going forwards – your brain tells you to stop way, way before your body will – unless you are laying on the ground in the foetal position vomiting…it’s a fine line lol

Triathlon as a couple

Be careful entering events in post race euphoria

As above after a couple of drinks

As above when thinking out loud and wife is listening….can turn in to a “good idea” very quickly

Milestones get remembered by the events

Recounting our war stories is actually understood

Racing each other

It only takes two people to have a race.…but…..

Never race your training mates/partner/person …sure give each other a push….but not off the course though!

We just race and train at the same time, supposedly not against each other, unless supporters know who you are and give you a bit of encouragement….he’s just there, get him!

Of course we know who crosses the line or gets home first, and who complains the most after…I think Raelene’s comment to me after the weekends bike ride was something subtle like “smashed ya…loser!”  Don’t you love it…..I just smile and think I’ll be first in next time, and much more gracious!…..I try to be a better husband than triathlete….

Racing in a Family Team

We both have our strengths, but will most likely do the legs we enjoy the most, not necessarily fastest at…age groupers out to complete, not compete

I think both of us are the same if I say…if you are on the cycleway, the treadmill or bike at the gym, running in Hagley Park,…whether you know it or not, you can be sure, the answer is yes, we are racing!

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